

Bwahahaha. KATTER! mot katthemmet och evigheten. lekte med Viktoria igår och träffade Texas. nu MÅSTE jag ha kittycat.

Snodde av Viktoria <3
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!

Will it be ok?
Bitch Alert - God doesn't like me

How are you feeling today?
The Verve - Space and time

How do your friends see you?
Mad Sin - Underground

Will you get married?
Mad Sin - Rebels Undisguised

What is your best friend’s theme song?
National Teatern - Men bara om min älskade väntar
OMG! aaaaw

What is the story of your life?
Liquido - Narcotic

What was high school like?
Cardigans - Communication
(fortsätter med listan snart. Måste lyssna klart på den bra låten)

How can you get ahead in life?
Bitch Alert - Waste you dreams

What is the best thing about your friends?
Hello Saferide - Loneliness is not better when you're alone

What is today going to be like?
National Teatern - Ute i kylan

What is in store for this weekend?
Björn Afxelius - Älska mig nu

What song describes you?
Cornelis Wreeswijk -Nudistpolka

To describe your grandparents?
The Doors - The Ghostsong

How is your life going?
The Doors - Roadhouse Blues (Live)

What song will they play at your funeral?
Cheap Trick - I want you to want me

How does the world see you?
Björn Afzelius - Don Quixote

Will you have a happy life?
Ramones - Sheena is a punkrocker

What do your friends really think of you?
Cardigans - Explode

Do people secretly lust after you?
Aqua - Turn back time
(Jag ser det som ett godkännande av blonderat hår, kortkort, stayups och kängor. oh, I miss it too :* 16!)

How can I make myself happy?
The Verve - One day

What should you do with your life?
Bachelor girl - Buses and trains

Will you ever have children?
Misfits - Mars Attacks


Postat av: Madeleine

hehe. jag snodde den från dig as well.
först hakade spelaren upp sig på bright eyes.
tänkte plocka fram rakbladen med en gång.

sen fick jag ordning på den.

What song will they play at your funeral?
Who?s Gonna Take The Weight ? Gang Starr
?I was raised like a muslim? WTF?


Postat av: Alicia

the voices are telling me to kill you!! hahaha :D
i love it!
ska vi starta ett katthem?

2006-11-16 @ 11:09:19
URL: http://aliis.blogg.se
Postat av: David

Ja.. jag snodde den också... lite bright eyes här med, men inte fullt lika många passande svar som för dig..

What was high school like?
Bronco - These rock n roll nights

trisst att det inte stämde bara :P

2006-11-19 @ 13:07:29
URL: http://david-se.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Alicias köttben

Jag förstår fortfarande inte.... Varför har Stefanies mamma gjort en parkbänk och ställt i stadsparken????????

2006-11-19 @ 18:13:38
Postat av: Alicia

ööh.. varför skriver någon under namnet "Alicias köttben" ?! It's not me! stupid people, go away!!

2006-11-20 @ 20:32:29
URL: http://aliis.blogg.se

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